Rhythm City Casino Wins Happy Joe Whitty Award
Rhythm City Casino Resort® was awarded the fifth annual Happy Joe Whitty Award at Hand in Hand’s 15th Annual Chili Cook-Off Saturday, February 3. The award is given to a company or organization in the Quad Cities that makes hiring people with disabilities a priority and contributes to the programs that provide people with disabilities opportunities to build their confidence, self-esteem, and provide social interaction.
15 Years of Chili
As we gear up for another exciting Chili Cook-Off, we’re taking a walk down memory lane to explore the rich history of the Chili Cook-Off and what makes it a cherished tradition for the organization and families and friends alike.
Volunteer Spotlight: Izzy
I’m 14 years old and have volunteered at the summer camp and am now volunteering in the rec program. I was inspired by helping in a STEM class for special needs at my school and heard about Hand in Hand from my dad. I started volunteering during the first week of camp on July 2023.
PWP Community Partner Spotlight: Figge Art Museum
People with Purpose have been volunteering at the Figge Art Museum for about two years. The group helps the museum maintain their Family Activity Center.
From Participant to Staff Member: Maddie’s Story
Maddie has been a long-time member of the Hand in Hand family with a tall stack of camp and Hand in Hand t-shirts to prove it. She started attending our recreation programs and camp as an elementary school student and now attends our adults dayhab program, People with Purpose part-time and is also a staff member now. She serves as a Program Assistant and is always willing to lend a helping hand and a warm smile.
PWP Community Partnership Spotlight: GiGi’s Playhouse
People with Purpose has had a long-standing relationship with GiGi’s Playhouse, volunteering with the organization over the last 7 years and visiting about 2-3 times a year. The crew helps clean, sort, and package outreach and awareness kits and most recently worked on getting items ready for GiGi’s upcoming fundraiser.
PWP Community Partnership Spotlight: New Kingdom Trailriders
People with Purpose has had a long relationship with New Kingdom Trailriders but reenergized their partnership earlier this year and the crew remains consistent volunteers for the organization.
Adaptive and Sensory Friendly Clothing Shoes, and Accessories
Adaptive clothing is clothing designed specifically to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities, mobility issues, sensory issues or other medical conditions that may affect their ability to dress themselves or wear conventional clothing.
PWP Community Partner Spotlight: Family Resources
People with Purpose began volunteering at Family Resources in June of 2020. Hand in Hand was busting at the seams at the time for space during our summer programs so the group needed a new home base during that time. We formed a partnership with Family Resources to use some of their free space and PWP began volunteering for them soon after.
Genesis Pediatric PT Spends a Week at Camp
Kim Nielsen, a Pediatric Physical Therapist with Genesis Pediatric Therapy Center, joined us for our first week of camp this year and was paired up with one of our campers to help give her a fulfilling experience as she went swimming, did archery, made crafts, and went fishing.
15 Ways to Be a Part of Hand in Hand
Have you ever wondered how to get involved with Hand in Hand? Maybe you’ve volunteered at our Chili Cook-Off but don’t know what else to volunteer for. Maybe you’ve donated to us but want to get involved in person. Maybe you want to get involved virtually. Either way we’ve got an opportunity for you!
PWP Community Partner Spotlight: River Bend Food Bank
People with Purpose have been volunteering with the River Bend Food Bank for several years now. The group helps in the food bank’s warehouse sorting through donated food, ensuring that it is safe. The group then organizes it into weighted categories that are made available to the food bank’s Agency Partners through their online order form.
Philanthropy Spotlight: John and Sue Lawson
John and Sue Lawson have been part of the Hand in Hand family since the beginning, giving us our first gift to continue Camp Hand in Hand and help us grow to what we are today.
PWP Community Partner Spotlight: Quad City Botanical Center
The Quad City Botanical Center has been a partner with People with Purpose for over 5 years now. The crew helps with a lot of tasks at the Center including cleaning up the Sun Garden, preparing craft materials, helping plant the ability garden, helping clean up the outdoor gardens, and more.
Sensory Friendly and Accessible Places to Visit in the Midwest
It’s just about that time. Summer vacation! If you’re looking for some fun, sensory-friendly summertime activities to take a day trip or just stops to make along the way of an already planned trip we’ve got you covered.
PWP Community Partner Spotlight: Heart of Hope Ministries
Heart of Hope Ministries is one of our newest community partners. PWP started volunteering with them March 1 of this year doing light household chores like emptying garbage receptacles, vacuuming, mopping, folding donated clothing, picking up debris on the grounds of the facility, and packing food boxes.
Hand in Hand Looking for Volunteers for Summer Camp
Hand in Hand is seeking dedicated volunteers to assist in their upcoming summer camp for children of all abilities. The camp will be held from July 10th – 14th and July 17 – 21st from 8:15 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. at Scott County Park.
Empowering People of All Abilities Through Collaboration: Hand in Hand and SAU Occupational Therapy
Fifteen St. Ambrose students walk through the door of Tessa’s Place on a Friday morning ready to read, play, and lesson plan for our inclusive programs. They are the newest group of occupational therapy students to visit Hand in Hand. Hand in Hand has been partnering with St. Ambrose University’s Occupational Therapy Department since 2021.
Day in the Life: People with Purpose
People with Purpose is a social Dayhab program offered to individuals ages 18 and up. Participants gain social engagement while getting involved with the Quad Cities community and volunteering at a variety of area charities and organizations.
Philanthropy Spotlight: Catherine Gehrmann
Catherine gave her first gift of $75 to Hand in Hand at the height of the pandemic in 2020. Her gifts always come wrapped in beautiful stationary or a holiday card with thoughtful, kind words handwritten on the inside that never fail to make us smile.